Table of contents
With this update release, the Acronis flagship cloud product offers enhancements and addresses issues found in previous releases.
What's new
Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud
Backup for VMware Cloud Director
- Enables self-service backup and recovery capabilities for VMware Cloud Director users.
- Backup service usage tracking and billing fully integrated with Acronis Cyber Cloud.
Notifications upon Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace data recovery
- Allows customer's Information Security professionals to be notified about recovery and quickly react if needed.
Restore operator role for Microsoft 365/Google Workspace
- This special role allows recovery of Microsoft 365/Google Workspace data within a customer's organization without accessing it.
Personal data management for on-premise Acronis Cyber Cloud deployments
- Allows partners that have on-premise Acronis Cyber Cloud deployment to configure automatic deletion of personal data from the system components and logs according to the defined retention policy.
File Sync & Share: Advanced File Sync & Share pack
- Allows notarizing files of any types via Ethereum blockchain.
- Allow eSigning of documents and files (with embedded and external esignature) with notarization via Ethereum blockchain.
File Sync & Share: video files preview in browser
- Allows customer to preview a video file in the browser without downloading the whole file.
Acronis Cyber Protect for Android 2.3.0: Backup slice management
- Allows to view and delete mobile backup slices as well as restore from any of those.
Acronis Cyber Protect for Android 2.3.0: restore pictures and videos for specific days
- Allows customers to group and restore pictures and videos by date.
Notary: Advanced audit trail in eSignature Certificate
- Allows customers to view detailed status of the document and trace the flow of actions.
- This information is mainly used as part of requirement for eIDAS Certification (European Market) and FDA part 11 Compliance (US Market).
Notary: Administrator role
- The Administrator role helps to view all the documents created by different users in one place.
Updated Components
Acronis Cyber Protection agent
- Acronis Cyber Protection Agent for Windows (v. 15.0.27305)
- Acronis Cyber Protection Agent for Mac (v. 15.0.27305)
- Acronis Cyber Protection Agent for Linux (v. 15.0.27305)
See the release history of Acronis Cyber Protection agent here.
Changes in Acronis Cyber Cloud API
You can find the history of changes in Acronis Cyber Cloud API in the dedicated API change log document.
Fixed issues
This section describes issues that have been fixed in this release.
For information about security issues fixed in this release, please refer to
Android app
- [AMB-3255] User was logged out from app spontaneously which resulted in continuous backup interruption.
Application Protection
- [ABR-312761][KERNEL-11185] Backup of Microsoft SQL database fails with error "The specified object was not found".
- [ARC-361] Backup of multiple databases failed due to MMS.exe crash.
Cyber Protection Agent
- [ABR-314170] False-positive alerts about missed backup was received after backup completed successfully.
- [PLTFRM-24059] Unspecific error INTERNAL_ERROR was reported.
- [ABR-309865] Unclear error message ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS when trying to open Web Restore as partner administrator.
- [PLTFRM-29078] Cloud backup failed with error message "The credentials for the cloud storage are incorrect or you do not have an active cloud storage subscription".
- [PLTFRM-29538][PLTFRM-29630] Agent registration failed with error.
- [ABR-316761] Backup size calculated incorrectly.
- [ADP-15844] Agent installation failed with error "Internal error of the activity service on endpoint".
- [ADP-15785] Failed to cancel stuck activity for a device that was returned from "offline" status.
- [ABR-309981] Agent gone offline after update from version 15.0.26473 to version 15.0.26579.
- [ABR-309134] Cyber Protect Monitor's "About" section shows only one out of many installed agents.
[ABR-275605] Unclear error message "Logging on with the specified credentials is impossible, probably because the account does not exist or the password is invalid" was improved.
[ABR-314278] Unclear error message "Misc network error" was improved.
[ABR-318742] Aplly of a protection plan takes ling time.
[ABR-312917] Backup locations disappear when starting VM from Red Hat Virtualization.
[ARC-353] Backup completed with warning "Failed to register a backup in backup file. Please refresh the list of recovery points".
[KERNEL-11119] Backup stops and hangs machine where it was running in certain circumstances on agent version 15.0.26172.
[ABR-316969] Browsing recovery points on Devices tab took 2-3 minutes.
[ABR-318651] "Restore" tab in Cyber Protection console does not display restore points.
[ABR-317903] Acronis plug-in for WHM/cPanel - Backups tab is not loading, no recovery points are displayed.
[PLTFRM-28869] Backup failed with error message "get upstream token: the agent is not registered with an upstream server" after agent was updated from version 21.04 to 21.05.
[ABR-317851] File-level protection plan for Synology NAS creation failed with error "Service unavailable".
[ABR-316960] Login to Acronis Cyber Cloud sporadically fails with error 400.
[ABR-297950] Plan revoke is available in Device-Activities and Dashboard-Activities, yet the Plan apply is available only in Dashboard-Activities.
[ABR-316531] Unclear error message "Operation can't be completed due to license limitations" was improved.
[ARC-359] File-level backup failed due to crash of service_process.exe.
[ADP-15728] Installation error message in Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud contains link to Acronis Cyber Protect 15 documentation.
Cyber protection
[AAP-4011][AMP-6303] 3rd party software slows down in case Acronis Active Protetion is running on a device.
[ADP-15726] Multiple duplicates of same CPU are shown on the Inventory tab.
[ADP-15314] Vulnerability assessment scan failed with error "Could not convert character encoding".
[ADP-16041] Update of Opera web browser v45.0.2552.888 to v72.0.3815.400 failed with error code 101.
[ADP-15959] Malware scan stuck in activities of macOS device.
[PLTFRM-28677] Vulnerability assesment scan got stuck.
[ADP-15804] Vulnerability assessment scan failed with "Failed to send vulnerabilities report" error.
[ADP-12102] Warning message "Update Google Chrome 87.0.4280.88 en x32 is inapplicable" appeared when trying to update Google Chrome in 64-bit operating system.
[AMP-4713] Adding a network folder to exclusions list failed.
[AMP-5036] Printing with "Epicor Prophet 21" software is impossible when Acronis Antimalware protection is enabled on a device.
[AUK-4981] Truncated text is displayed on Quarantine page in edit mode.
[KERNEL-11073] System became unresponsive after Antimalware service was enabled.
[ADP-15549] Deploy of Acronis Scan Agent to Acronis Cyber Infrastructure cluster failled on update stage.
[ADP-15727] Backup scanning failed with error "429 Too Many Requests".
Dashboards and reports
[ADP-15045] Schedule for report created in Cyber Protection console got removed if open "Reports" tab in Management Portal.
[ADP-15651] List of data sources contains empty names in CSV report export.
[ADP-15671] "Cloud Applications" report has empty content in certain circumstances.
[ADP-15863] Filtering by "Ok" status in "Devices" widget hides machines in "Running" state.
[ADP-15700] E-mail wirh operational report was not received.
[ADP-15849] Redirection to Cyber Protection console from widgets "Protection Status", "Active Alerts Summary", "5 latest alerts" is not working under partner account.
Disaster recovery
- [DRAAS-21628] Misleading error message "Failed to deploy the VPN gateway in the cloud" appears while deploying VPN Gateway.
- [DRAAS-23476] Failed to establish IPSec VPN connection, error "invalid CIDR address: dynamic" appears.
- [DRAAS-23424] Usage of Disaster Recovery storage offering item is not cleared after deleting recovery server.
- [DRAAS-23258] Test failover failes with error message "Failed to perform the operation, the required quota "Assigned compute points" is not available. To enable the quota, please contact the support team." on powering on a cloud server step.
- [DRAAS-23531] False-positive alert "RPO critically exceeded".
- [DRAAS-23055] Second disk disappeared in failed over server.
Google Workspace
[ABR-313237] Subfolders of Google Drive are not selected automatically when folder is selected for a backup.
[ABR-315189] Some shared drives are not visible in Google Workspace node.
- [ABR-317402][ABR-317857][ABR-317884][ABR-305023] Backup failed with error "Failed to create a snapshot", since Kernel 5.8 was not supported.
- [ABR-316694] Backups scheduled to run every 5 hours run only once on schedule and then stop on Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS.
- [ABR-307154] Backup was completing successfully with empty data backed up on Debian with agent version 12.5.21780.
- [ABR-318681] Media Builder fails to build media on macOS 10.14.6.
- [ABR-318469] Restore of files from cloud to non-original location on macOS 10.15.7 fails in certain circumstances.
Microsoft 365
- [PLTFRM-29442] Microsoft OneDrive backup failed with "Task timeout expired".
- [ABR-317205] Microsoft 365 agent deployment fails with error "The reply URL specified in the request does not match the reply URLs configured for the application".
- [ABR-317940] Microsoft Teams backup failing with "item already exists" when creating index item.
- [ABR-317613][ABR-317926] Backup of Microsoft SharePoint Online site compeled with warning "Failed to process change event List/Restore. The attempted operation is prohibited because it exceeds the list view threshold".
- [ABR-317609] Body of an email written in Korean contains ureadable symbols when trying to browse email archive.
- [ABR-318880] Unable to add Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace organization to Cyber Protection console - there are no appropriate items in the menu.
- [ABR-300389] Backup of Microsoft SharePoint Online site fails with error "You are trying to back up two different sites to one location. System can write only one site's data in one location".
- [ABR-306831] The last backup slice was deleted during retention.
- [ABR-318417] Recovery of Microsoft Teams fails with time-out error.
- [ABR-317955] Microsoft OneDrive catalog indexing activity failed with error code 520: UnknownReasonError.
- [ABR-318211] Backup of Microsoft SharePoint Online site compeled with warning "Failed to process change event Item/Add'.[object Object]".
- [ABR-318044] New backup of Microsoft SharePoint Online site got created after exclusions were changed.
- [ABR-318017] Backup of Microsoft SharePoint Online site takes long time to complete.
- [DF-2796] Microsoft 365 OneDrive catalog indexing activity failed with error code 520: UnknownReasonError.
Management Portal and Platform Core
[PLTFRM-28565] Account Management API throttling.
[PLTFRM-28604] Starting protection plan with "Run Now" button failed.
[PLTFRM-29361] Log in to Cyber Protection console fails with message "The requested service is not available for your account".
[PLTFRM-29283] Tenant re-enable failed with message "app is being de-provisioned".
[PLTFRM-28696] Couldn't share a folder with guest user, error message "could not invite" appears in File Sync & Share.
[PLTFRM-29351] Storage quota is shown as "Ulimited" instead of specific value in Management Portal.
[PLTFRM-28918] Report generation via API takes too long.
[PLTFRM-27681] Error message "400 Bad Request" while PUT /api/2/tenants/{tenant_id}/offering_items endpoint contains null "context" and "details".
[PLTFRM-29204] Service quota was auto-reverted to "No quota" on a device where service quota was set manually and no protection plans applied.
[PLTFRM-29102] Creating a user File Sync & Share role doesn't enforce having a unique email inside a tenant if a guest user with the same email exists.
[PLTFRM-29089] Cloud storage usage was not updated after deletion of the backups.
ConnectWise Manage integration
- [CI-11402] Mapping of ConnectWise company to an existing tenant failed with error "Offering item is currently disabled".
Known issues and limitations
This section describes issues that are currently known and provides solutions to avoid the issues where possible.
Acronis Cyber Protect
Acronis Cyber Protection Agent
- [ABR-305144] It is impossible to edit or delete replication plan.
- [PLTFRM-18969] It is not possible to protect Microsoft SQL on a machine with a workstation operating system, in the case Agent for Hyper-V is also installed among local agents.
- [ABR-255521] The number of total runs and successful runs is zero for the Microsoft Office 365 resources.
- [ABR-240431] It is possible to apply an existing protection plan with the "Cloud" backup destination, even if the cloud storage quota was exceeded for a tenant. The plan will fail upon execution.
- [ABR-228827] If some backup is removed via the Data Recovery (Web Restore) console, this change is not reflected in the service console while browsing the backup location, until the service console is refreshed.
- [ABR-196710] The backup location on the network share usage is duplicated in the case when there is a different network share with the same name registered as a backup location (shares rotation scenario).
- [ABR-189620] The "Activities summary" widget shows activities out of the defined date "Range" scope (excessive activities may be shown).
- [ABR-184900] Local backup usage is not reported for backups stored on a network share with enabled deduplication.
- [ABR-183764] Local backup usage is not updated for all virtual machine backups after deleting and re-adding a network location.
- [ABR-182313] Local backup usage size is duplicated after reconnecting a locally attached storage (LAS) to a new Agent for VMware (Virtual Appliance).
- [ABR-178648] The installer does not remove/update old libraries if the previous update was interrupted.
- [ABR-154655] The protection plan may have the "Backup succeeded" status, even if this plan is completed with warnings. Alerts and activities still show the proper status of the plan.
- [ABR-113452] If a machine was re-registered under a different account without revoking the existing protection plan from it, this plan may still continue to run unexpectedly.
- [ABR-115270] The "[All Profiles Folder]" template in a file level backup does not support a custom profile path.
- [ABR-87244] File-level recovery from a disk/volume backup of NTFS volumes with the enabled native deduplication does not work.
- [ABR-190404] It is not possible to recover from the Large Scale Recovery backup produced by the "LSR" tool if the backup is split into multiple separate files (multi-volume).
- [ABR-183082] Recovery of a Linux machine having some volumes with the XFS file system completes with the "Failed to process the boot loader configuration." warning. The machine is bootable despite the warning.
- [ABR-158677] "Intel(R) 82574L Gigabit Network Connection" NIC is not properly recognized by Windows 10 after recovery of an image to a VMware Workstation virtual machine by using the bootable media.
- [ABR-129075] When browsing a folder in a backup during the file-level recovery via the service console, some child folders may not appear in the list after sorting by type if the folder contains many elements. To show all items of the folders, you need to scroll down in order to load the entire content of a parent folder and perform sorting only after that.
- [ABR-127666] Files/folders may still be available for a recovery from backups saved in the cloud, even if these files/folders were removed from a source device and the backups that contain these files were already cleaned up during retention.
- [ABR-162925] Application items (databases and/or mailboxes) cannot be recovered from the application-aware entire machine backup if the databases are located on mount points (the database path is redirected to another location).
- [ABR-74984] The "Next backup" time is not displayed for a machine that has only application-level protection plans applied to it.
- [ABR-207057] The Bulgarian language is missing in the "Recovery HD" menu (bootable media for Mac), due to a lack of support of the Bulgarian language in macOS.
- [ABR-141823] There are incorrect backup items in a protection plan after updating Mac OS X to 10.13 High Sierra with conversion from HFS+ to APFS (some backup items are missing).
- [ABR-137886] Backing up Mac with Apple RAID configured fails with the "No volumes were found when processing the 'Fixed Volumes' template" error. Apple RAIDs are not supported.
- [ABR-296485] Agent for Virtuozzo Hybrid Infrastructure (virtual appliance) may crash when performing VM recovery from backup captured from another platform (for example from physical machine or VMware VM), if there is 1GB RAM available on the appliance.
Solution: increase the RAM of the virtual appliance to 4GB.
- [ABR-242166] An application-aware backup of a Hyper-V virtual machine may fail when executing the WMI query, with the "WMI 'ExecQuery' failed executing query." or "Failed to create a new process via WMI" errors, when the backup is performed on a host under a high load, due to no response from WMI.
- [ABR-235983] A protection plan using policy rules such as "/dev/sdaX" or "/sdaX" applied to a VMware or Hyper-V virtual machine fails with the "Nothing to back up. The operation has been terminated." error, when performed by Agent for VMware/Hyper-V.
- [ABR-234935] There are duplicated activities in the Activities summary, after the backup of a virtual machine running on a Hyper-V cluster.
- [ABR-234935] An incorrect number of Total runs/Number of successful runs for a Hyper-V cluster is shown on the Operations tab.
- [ABR-234935] The number of email notifications is equal to the number of Hyper-V cluster nodes for one VM backup activity.
- [ABR-192213] VMware virtual machines with an empty "vc.uuid" (InstanceUUID) vSphere property are not listed in the service console.
- [ABR-189882] Backup of a Hyper-V virtual machine fails if it contains an ampersand symbol in the names of its virtual disks.
- [ABR-173002] Run VM from a backup on a Hyper-V host fails, if the backup is located on the same volume as the path selected for the mounted VM disks.
Solution: select a different volume for the mounted VM disks path. The space will be consumed only for changes generated inside the mounted VM and it will not occupy the entire size of the virtual disk.
- [ABR-137564] Cross-platform recoveries (when the backup was created not by Agent for Hyper-V) into a new Hyper-V virtual machine by Agent for Hyper-V always produces the Gen 1 version of virtual machine.
- [ABR-115430] A "backup is missing for X days" alert is activated even if the backup plan is not scheduled, but has this alert option enabled in its settings.
- [ABR-104081] A VM replication plan may fail due to network disconnects between source and target ESXi hosts even if the "Error handling" option is enabled.
- [ABR-95961] A backup task periodically fails on snapshot creation for some Virtuozzo containers after some time on a host with a high load.
- [ABR-85645] Backup of a virtual machine with Active Directory may complete with warning "MFT bitmap is corrupted."
Management Portal and Platform Core
- The read-only role is available for selection while customer tenant is in Cyber Backup - Standard and Cyber Protect - Standard editions, yet it should not be due to licensing limitations.
- [ABR-138058] Sending backup notifications is turned off after disabling and then returning back the Cyber Protection role to a user.
- [ABR-136810] An unclear error is shown if a destination tenant was not found while moving a tenant.
- [ABR-136694] The "Bad request" message appears if a large number is specified for the Storage quota.
- [ABR-203902] The error message "The number of registered and deleted storage registrations exceeds 50" is shown during storage re-registration.
- [ABR-203243] Logout is done correctly while a user is logged in via a branded URL; however, logout is not done for a non-branded URL.
- [ABR-173628] Active Directory Connector - mapping is not saved when one or more Distinguished Names (DNs) are invalid.
- [ABR-131711] Lack of salutation text in the "Quota exceeded" email notification.
- [PLTFRM-20333] A Hyper-V host may consume two "Server" licenses, in cases when it is backed up as a physical machine and there are also VMs or Microsoft applications running on this host and which are backed up by other types of backup agents.
- [PLTFRM-20414] Compute points usage from the original edition is not displayed for a customer in the report after the edition switch and tenant move, for example, when the edition is switched from Standard to Disaster Recovery.
- [PLTFRM-2340] The "Tenant was moved" audit event description shows tenant IDs instead of names.
- [PLTFRM-18229] Improve the error message for the RPC GetRedirect method, in case a customer has no storage.