Protection plan

To create a protection plan

  1. In the service console, go to Management > Protection plans.
  2. Click Create plan.
  3. Select the machines that you want to protect.
  4. Click Protect. You will see the protection plan with the default settings.
  5. [Optional] To modify the protection plan name, click on the pencil icon next to the name.
  6. [Optional] To enable or disable the plan module, click the switch next to the module name.
  7. [Optional] To configure the module parameters, click the corresponding section of the protection plan.
  8. Click Add devices to select the machines to which you want to apply the plan.
  9. When ready, click Create.

As a result, the selected devices will be protected with the protection plan.

You can perform the following operations with protection plans:

  • Create, view, edit, clone, disable, enable, and delete a protection plan
  • View activities related to each protection plan
  • View alerts related to each protection plan
  • Export a plan to a file
  • Import a previously exported plan