Backup scanning plan

To scan backups for malware (including ransomware), create a backup scanning plan.


  • When you select backups to scan, you can select backup sets that include a Continuous data protection (CDP) backup. However, only non-CDP backups in these backup sets will be scanned. For more information about the CDP backups, refer to Continuous data protection (CDP).
  • When you perform safe recovery of an entire machine, you can select a backup set that includes a CDP backup. However, the recovery will not use the CDP backup data. To recover this data, run a Files/folders recovery additionally.

To create a backup scanning plan

  1. In the service console, go to Management > Backup scanning.
  2. Click Create plan.
  3. Specify the name of the plan and the following parameters:

    • Scan type:

      • Cloud – this option cannot be changed. An automatically selected cloud agent will perform the backup scan.
    • Backups to scan:

      • Locations – select locations with backup sets that you want to scan.
      • Backups – select backup sets that you want to scan.
    • Scan for:

      • Malware – this option cannot be changed. The scan checks the selected backup sets for malware (including ransomware).
    • Encryption – to scan encrypted backup sets, specify the encryption password. If you select a location or multiple backup sets and the specified password does not match a backup set, an alert is created.
    • Schedule – this option cannot be changed. In the cloud storage, the scan starts automatically.
  4. Click Create.

As a result, a backup scanning plan is created and a cloud agent will scan for malware the locations or the backup sets that you specified.